- Oração afirmativa : A question tag será negativa (forma contraida)
- Oração negativa : A quetion tag será afirmativa.
- Vem sempre após uma vírgula.
- é sempre formado por um verbo auxiliar ou modal + um pronome.
Mary is working, isn't she?
Mary isn't working, is she?
They work in the morning, don't they?
They don't work in the morning, do they?
Bob plays the piano well, doesn't he?
Bob doesn't play the piano well, does he?
Mary talked to you, didn't she?
Mary didn't talk to you, did she?
You have gone to London, haven't you?
You haven't gone to london, have you?
- Imperativo (ordens) : a question tag sempre será WILL YOU?
- Quando a frase se iniciar com LET'S..., a question tag será ..., SHALL WE?
- Se a oração tiver I am...., a question tag podera ser ..., AM I NOT? ou ..., AREN'T I?
Open the window, will you?
Don't open the window, will you?
Let's go home, shall we?
Let's not go home, shall we?
I am late, aren't I ?
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